The Great American Eclipse
The coolest thing that I've ever seen in my life was in Alliance, Nebraska--and no, it wasn't Carhenge. I spent the night in the Black Hills of South Dakota on my drive to Alliance from Minot, North Dakota. One of my dad's coworkers had a friend who knew a family that lived on farmland in the path of totality. Crooked Nose Land and Cattle, home of the Collins family, was my destination. I met up with my dad and some high school buddies who drove up from Colorado. We had no clue how incredible what we were about to witness was going to be.
The Great North American Eclipse
Total solar eclipses perfectly fit into my obsession of astrophotography, travel, and general astronomical phenomena. I'm determined to see as many total solar eclipses as possible in my short time here on Earth. I traveled to Plano, Texas for my second eclipse, and fully overcast conditions made everyone nervous as the eclipse clock counted down. Luckily, the clouds began to part only hours before totality. We saw the solar corona burst forth from behind the moon through clear skies that turned fully cloudy the instant before totality ended.